photos 20200405. The prominent pillars of Peter Street courtesy of Tableau Condominiums. April 6, 2020 Vik
photos 20200404. I am still amazed at how empty the streets are these days. Front at John facing east. April 5, 2020 Vik
photos 20200319. Few bipedal primate mammals at this pandemic. Yonge and Front, 2020Mar18 17:08. Is this how the transition from gathering in offices to working at home in the virtual workplace starts? March 24, 2020 Vik
photos 20200105. A massive Moss Park apartment tower stands sentinel over Milan Street. March 3, 2020 Vik
photos 20191217. 488 University Avenue, formerly 38-storeys shorter and Brutalist, towers over Chinatown at Spadina and Dundas. February 17, 2020 Vik