photos 20240924. Some parts of Toronto just don’t look like Toronto anymore. Image September 26, 2024 Vik
photos 20240801. Behind the facade at Queen and Church, home of the future QueenChurch condos. Image August 1, 2024 Vik
photos 20231213. What a difference paint, new windows and new balconies make at brutalist Centrepoint East. Image December 18, 2023 Vik
photos 20210922. Will Moss Park’s 1974 Centrepoint East High-Rise Complex be the first white brutalist buildings in Toronto? Image September 22, 2021 Vik
photos 20210708. Bridges of July #8. ‘Night Truss’ and ‘Centre Span X’ on the Queen Street Viaduct. Image July 8, 2021 Vik
photos 20210630. Brutalist June ends with Brutalism #30 – Brutalist Gateway to the Underground circa 1974. Image July 1, 2021 Vik
photos 20210615. Brutalist June 15. Living in Brutalism at Moss Park’s 1974 Centrepoint East high-rise complex. Image June 16, 2021 Vik
photos 20200412. The modernist Moss Park Armoury (Page & Steele Architects, 1966) is home of the Canadian Army’s 7th Toronto Regiment. April 12, 2020 Vik
photos 20200210. Living in Brutalism at Moss Park’s 1974 Centrepoint East high-rise complex. March 15, 2020 Vik
photos 20190830. Cinema Ras Variety Store & Cafe versus a Moss Park Apartment tower. September 28, 2019 Vik
photos 20171204. The massive modernist Moss Park apartment complex (1964) from above. December 5, 2017 Vik
photos 20170512. Living in brutalism at the Centrepoint East apartment complex in Moss Park. May 13, 2017 Vik
photos 20170102. Krystyna Sadowska’s 1967 sculpture suits the concrete plaza of the brutalist Centrepoint East apartment complex in Moss Park (Ryan & Lee, 1974). January 3, 2017 Vik
photos 20161105. The box that is Italinteriors Contract at 445 King Street East. November 6, 2016 Vik
photos 20150703. 3 mini-towers connected by glazed passageways make up Toronto’s River City Phase 2. July 3, 2015 Vik