Tag Archives: marble
20161221. Toronto’s beautiful Bank of Nova Scotia building banking hall features marble columns and counters, coffered decorated ceiling and a lovely clock.

20140806. The stepped and striped east face of the Cleveland Museum of Art.
This latest addition to the museum connects the original museum building with the 1971 addition through marble/granite stripes that change in character. Near the striped 1971 addition the new wing features the same stripe ratio whereas near the original building, as shown above, the marble stripes outnumber the granite stripes as the original building is all white marble.
20140803. The Cleveland Museum of Art’s banded Brutalism; a striped facade of white marble and brown granite.
This most recent addition uses the same white Georgian marble as the original 1916 building. The 1 to 1 ratio of white to brown stripes acknowledges the equally banded brutalist 1971 addition. As the stripes move closer to the original building, the ratio of white to brown stripes increases until it is almost all white acknowledging the original building.