Tag Archives: jarvis

20190902. On September 1st, another suspicious fire hit this 1865 heritage house at 314 Jarvis St slated for redevelopment. This image shows the house after a fire in January 2016 after an OMB appeal was launched to counter a city ruling that the development was too tall.

How this will affect an OMB appeal launched by Duration Investments whose 43 storey Quadrangle Architects designed condominium was rejected by the city for height concerns and the shadow it would cast across neighbouring Allan Gardens. A firefighter on scene could not help but joke about the “carsicle” left behind.

20161128. The rich and varied architectural history of Toronto’s Jarvis Street.

The three row houses to the left (1862) were originally part of a Georgian eight-house row. The Second Empire features – mansard roofs and bowed bays – were added about 20 years later. The double house to the right (1874) is an example of Italiante architecture with round-headed windows and doors and bracketed cornices. Thanks to Patricia McHugh’s 2nd edition of Toronto Architecture: A City Guide.

20160225. Toronto’s 1972 brutalist Grand Hotel may be redeveloped into a 45 storey tower.

20160225. Toronto's 1972 brutalist Grand Hotel may be redevelopeERA Architects conducted the heritage impact statement. In short the building is not heritage-listed, not in a Heritage Conservation District and its height is not out of character with coming development. Amexon Development and CORE Architects Inc are behind the proposal.