Tag Archives: georgian
20190808. The east facade of Georgian 111 King St E after the wedding. Built in 1841, it survived the Great Fire of 1849.
20190531. Transformer Home 2 in the Georgian Revival style. Transformer homes contain step-down transformers that convert high voltage electricity to a lower voltage that can be distributed for use throughout a neighbourhood. Many are now out of service or demolished.
20190528. Transformer Home 1. A transformer home contains a transformer that converts high voltage energy to a lower voltage that can be distributed for use throughout a neighbourhood.
20190130. The Bisha Hotel podium features a Georgian double house built by provincial receiver-general George Crookshank in 1834.
20161128. The rich and varied architectural history of Toronto’s Jarvis Street.
The three row houses to the left (1862) were originally part of a Georgian eight-house row. The Second Empire features – mansard roofs and bowed bays – were added about 20 years later. The double house to the right (1874) is an example of Italiante architecture with round-headed windows and doors and bracketed cornices. Thanks to Patricia McHugh’s 2nd edition of Toronto Architecture: A City Guide.