photos 20190616. The Well, a massive, mixed use project on former Globe and Mail property (featuring seven condo towers) progresses rapidly on the largest construction site in Toronto. #redevelopment #fashiondistrict @Tridel @alliedproperties @HaririPontarini @_archAlliance_ July 12, 2019 Vik
photos 20190524. Behind the facades of 19 Duncan Street, a future mixed-use development featuring a 58 storey condo tower. May 24, 2019 Vik
photos 20190520. The first CIBC Square tower and the steel support structure for its park rise behind the current Union Station Bus terminal, which is the future site of the second CIBC Square tower. May 23, 2019 Vik
photos 20190414. Repurposed shipping containers as offices on construction sites is all the rage now. April 15, 2019 Vik
photos 20190219. Moving the Kipling Station Passenger Pick-up building for the construction of the future Kipling Mobility Hub. Image February 20, 2019 Vik
photos 20180913. The temporary tunnel between the Eaton Centre and Ryerson’s School of Management. September 14, 2018 Vik
photos 20180827. A tower crane means another condominium tower in the Entertainment District. August 28, 2018 Vik
photos 20180607. A tall tower crane rises from Toronto’s largest construction site and future location of The Well (Spadina and Front). June 8, 2018 Vik
photos 20180606. The Monde Condominiums and its tiny pre-railing balconies at East Bayfront. Designed by Moshe Safdie and QuadrangleArch and 2012 BILD Award winner for Best High-Rise Building Design. June 7, 2018 Vik
photos 20180208. Working on the incline constructing the Gardiner Expressway’s Simcoe Ramp. Taken July 17, 2017. February 9, 2018 Vik
photos 20180126. Deconstructing the Richmond-Adelaide Centre – a complex of buildings by WZMH Architects spanning 51 years with a temporary trailer terrace addition. January 27, 2018 Vik
photos The Monde Condominiums near completion at East Bayfront. Designed by Moshe Safdie and Quadrangle Architects Limited and recipient of 2012 BILD Award for Best High-Rise Building Design. January 10, 2018 Vik
photos 20180101. Walking in the late winter afternoon shadow of the Harbour Plaza Residences. January 2, 2018 Vik
photos 20171202. Giving that concrete slab a smooth finish high above the Garden District. December 3, 2017 Vik
photos The 73,000 kg 35-tonne 12 m tall overhead crane supports construction at the Eglinton Crosstown’s Oakwood Station. October 23, 2017 Vik
photos 20170907. Freeway motorists shall merge with Harbour St. below where the #Gardiner’s York Bay Yonge off-ramp once stood. September 8, 2017 Vik
photos 20170616. New steel girders add stripes of shadow to the supports of a quickly progressing Gardiner Expressway Simcoe off-ramp. June 17, 2017 Vik
photos 20170522. Knocking down large steel girders like Dominoes at the Gardiner Expressway York Bay Yonge off-ramp demolition. May 23, 2017 Vik
photos 20170520. The Gardiner York Bay Yonge off-ramp demolition has reached York St which will be cleared this weekend. May 21, 2017 Vik