Tag Archives: union station
20170509. Under Union Station’s restored west wing skylight.
20170505. At Union Station the time is 28 minutes past A. #Toronto #architecture #infrastructure #transit
20170319. Approaching Union Station from the west, all 12 platforms of the train shed are visible.
20170113. A profile view of a 61,000 kg GO Transit bi-level coach and cab car sitting in the Union Station trainshed.
20170110. A GO Train prepares for imminent departure from Union Station.
20160622. An aerial view of Toronto Union Station’s historic exposed train shed steel structure.
Progress on the train shed has stalled as the future electrification of Go Transit trains will require either modifying the overhead wiring system to fit under the shed, lowering the floor or raising the roof with the latter being the worst case scenario as it involves considerable cost and harming the historic steel structure.