The wall represents a new barrier in Europe and the inversion the reaction of the markets to this vote to exit.
Tag Archives: port lands
20160530. Floating Flexity streetcar at TTC’s Leslie Barns Maintenance and Storage Facility.
20160528. Toronto’s first new Flexity LRV (streetcar) 4401 prepares for warp speed.
Ok, in reality it sits in the paint booth at the new TTC Leslie Streetcar Barns during Doors Open Toronto 2016.
20160302. Toronto’s modern classical 1953 decommissioned Commissioners St Incinerator building.
An excellent example of Modern Classical design with stone detailing and varied fenestration, the incinerator opened in 1955 with the capacity to burn 900 Imperial tons per day. It was closed in 1988 after a Department of Public Health reported that it generated dioxin and other carcinogenic chemicals. It now functions as a waste transfer station.
20160226. A reflection of two generations of power plants in Toronto’s Port Lands.
On the left is the Portland Energy Centr, a natural gas powered power plant that opened in 2008 and on the right is the Hearn Generating Station, a decommissioned coal-fired plant that opened in 1951 and closed in 1983.
20150922. Dead transmission towers stand sentinel over a hazy Toronto.
20150723. A deck level view of Toronto’s Cherry St Bascule Bridge.
20140724. Lights and stairwells create patterns on the Essroc Cement Company silos in Toronto’s port lands.
As part of the re-naturalization of the mouth of the Don River, these silos will be decommissioned and made into a visual monument to our waterfront heritage and the company will move their operations to south of Commissioner’s Street just off Leslie St. If you have been down to the area recently you have probably noticed the new silos.