Tag Archives: condominiums
20160208 Ready to break ground for Yonge and Rich condos in Toronto.
20160206. Toronto’s new Brant Park Condos provide a great backdrop for an old boutique office building on Camden Street.
20160202. A crane now rises from the E Condos north building site at Yonge and Eglinton.
20160131. East United condos shall retain the original 1906 Christie, Brown & Co. Stables masonry in Old Town Toronto.
20160130. Demolition makes way for the Minto Westside Condos in Toronto.
20160126. River City Phase 1 and 2 rise above Toronto’s Don River.
20160117. A top down view of Toronto’s River City Phase 2.
20160116. An aerial view of Regent Park’s white aluminum-cladded One Park Place Condos.
20151225. Living in a rectangle of emphasis on King Street West.
20151203. The unusual elliptical Waterscapes Condos against a dramatic Humber Bay sky.
20151130. The art of exuviating an International Style concrete facade.
20151125. Toronto’s Distillery District at a distance.
20151109. Changing the face of Dundas and University in Toronto.
It is sad to see the facade of this 1968 International Style tower being removed and replaced with temporary walls. The office tower will be reclad in glass and 37 floors of condominiums will be added above.